Interior Ministry explains ‘anti-protest’ exercise in Minsk

Minskers have spotted vehicles for the dispersal of demonstrations — water cannons, “Rubezh” cars with shields, police minivans, and trucks with red and green flags.

Sample photo. Nina Bahinskaya standing near the truck. Minsk, Women’s March, September 12. Photo: Belsat. eu.

The readers of Anton Motolko‘s Telegram channel, who noticed the movement of vehicles, responded to the blogger that in Minsk on Mayakovskogo Street, “they are now practicing almost daily.”

Interior Ministry spokesperson has commented on the information in Telegram: on July 27 and 28, the Interior Ministry troops together with the units of the Interior Ministry are holding routine exercises in different regions “to practice public order keeping at events and prevent mass unrest.”

Exercises coincided with the day of adoption of the BSSR State Sovereignty Declaration in 1990. Before 1996, July 27 was the Day when Independence was celebrated in Belarus – then Alyaksandr Lukashenka moved the holiday to July 3, the day of the expulsion of German troops from Minsk by Soviet troops in 1944.

belsat. eu
