
Military observers arrive in Belarus to monitor drill On February 19 they visited the training ground, where the exercises took…

Belarus and Russia to agree on sending Belarusian military to Syria

Belarus and Russia to sign agreement on military-technical cooperation until 2025 The draft agreement is still to be negotiated

Ukraine increases number of Armed Forces and wants to cancel conscription The changes will take place over the next three years

Allied Resolve drills: Russian troops start to arrive in Belarus Russian soldiers are apparently arriving in Belarus as part of Allied Resolve…

Belarusian military in Kazakhstan to secure military airfield They arrived in Kazakhstan on the evening of January 6

Belarusian military in Kazakhstan already engaged, Defense Ministry reports Soldiers from the 103rd Independent Airborne Brigade from Vitsebsk arrived in…

Poland’s police: Belarus servicemen try to blind Polish border guards with strobe lights, lasers On December 2, irregular migrants made another attempt to illegally…

Polish MoD: Belarus security forces assisted migrants in crossing border again Belarusians, namely special ops unit (spetsnaz), help a group of migrants…

Polish MoD: UK engineering forces to arrive at Poland-Belarus border British engineering troops will provide their assistance to Poles in fortifying the…

Belarus to receive attack helicopters from Russia Previously, it was about 4 helicopters, now about a larger number - possibly…

‘Indestructible Brotherhood’: Belarusian military fly off to Russia to take part in CSTO drills The member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO)…

Poland: Border patrol fired at from Belarusian side No one was killed or injured during the incident.

Poland sends 900 military to step up efforts to protect Belarusian-Polish border The Polish armed forces are going to assist the country’s border…

Interior Ministry explains ‘anti-protest’ exercise in Minsk The exercise coincided with the day of adoption of the Declaration on…