Poland sends 900 military to step up efforts to protect Belarusian-Polish border

The Polish armed forces are going to assist the country’s border guard service; more than 900 servicemen have been sent to the Belarusian-Polish border, Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said on Thursday.

Poland’s Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak. Photo: dziennik.pl

“The Polish army is backing the border service in protecting the border with Belarus. I have received reports from the commanders about that. More than 900 soldiers are being involved in the operation, ” the politician wrote on Twitter.

On Tuesday, Poland’s Government Information Centre reported that in the past weeks of August alone, 1,935 people tried to illegally cross the Polish border from the territory of Belarus. The border guards prevented 1,175 of them from entering Poland; 760 foreigners were detained and placed in special closed centres for migrants.

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