Belarus and Russia prepare joint military doctrine The countries prolonged the presence of military facilities of the Russian Federation in…

Belarusian soldiers to participate in military drills at Tajik-Afghan border Belarusian troops left for Tajikistan to take part in the CSTO…

Poland sends 900 military to step up efforts to protect Belarusian-Polish border The Polish armed forces are going to assist the country’s border…

Man sentenced to 10 years in prison for ‘fake’ tank arson He listened to the sentence in handcuffs

Poland denies entering air space of Belarus On April 12, there were no flights near the border.

Leak: Belarus authorities to involve army in ‘protecting facilities’ if protests resume Belarusian Interior Minister Ivan Kubrakou has asked the Defence Ministry…

Brest paratroopers fly to Russia to practice peacekeeping operations Are they getting ready for Syria?

Belarus makes own missile for Polonez rocket system Who will we fight?

MoD threatens West with ‘additional steps’ in wake of ‘politicised’ reaction to 2020 election On February 22, Aleh Voinau, Head of the MoD International…

Military official explains how media and bloggers want to hold color revolution in Belarus There have been six such attempts, he says.

No reason to cancel May 9th parade, Defense Ministry says The Defense Ministry believes that the parade symbolizes the willingness of the…

Defense Ministry unveils plans for May 9 parade The parade will involve Russian and Chinese military.

Military pilots of Belarus, Poland to hold joint drills on March, 25 Belarusian air power and air defense troops are expected to stage exercises…

Belarusian paratroopers hold joint exercise with NATO soldiers Joint Belarusian-British exercises are held at the range of 103rd Vitsebsk Separate…

Joint military exercise involving British Royal Marines kicks off in Belarus On Sunday, Belarus and the United Kingdom started joint military drills,…