Belarus and Russia prepare joint military doctrine

Sergei Shoigu and Viktar Khrenin. Photo:

Belarusian and Russian defense ministers Viktar Khrenin and Sergei Shoigu have approved a number of common documents in the military sphere at a joint board meeting in Moscow on October 20.

The heads of military agencies signed documents on extending the validity of agreements on the placement of two Russian military facilities in Belarus — a missile warning system hub in Baranavichy and a naval radio station in Vileika, TASS reports.

Sergei Shoigu also said that Belarus and Russia have developed a new military doctrine of the Union State in response to the confrontation with Western countries. According to him, the document is expected to be approved soon at the next meeting of the Supreme State Council.

The Defense Ministries are planning bilateral military cooperation on the basis of the strategic partnership program developed for a five-year period. The scale of training of troops and command and control bodies is expanding, Shoigu said.

He believes that the achieved level of cooperation between the military agencies of Russia and Belarus allows to “timely adapt the security tasks to the changes in the world and to effectively solve them.”

The Russian Minister also announced that the plan of Russian-Belarusian military cooperation for 2022 includes 139 events. The joint exercise “Shield of the Union” will become a crucial event in 2023, he said.
