Belarusian paratroopers hold joint exercise with NATO soldiers

Belarusian-British exercises. Photo: “Vayar.

In accordance with the plan of international military cooperation, joint Belarusian-British exercises are held at the range of 103rd Vitsebsk Separate Guards Airborne Brigade, the press service of the Defense Ministry of Belarus reports.

The Belarusian-British exercises include training of the Belarusian peacekeepers. This is relevant in terms of the planned expansion of Belarus’ participation in the UN peacekeeping activities.

Belarusian-British exercises. Photo: “Vayar.

“It is a pleasure for us to work with our colleagues from Belarus. I have no doubt that both our sides will accept many new things for themselves. It is important that there is mutual understanding in peacekeeping,” said Lieutenant Colonel Timothy White Boycott, Defence Attaché at the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Belarus.

Belarusian-British exercises. Photo: “Vayar.

A total of 28 servicemen from the 42nd Marine Battalion of the British Armed Forces are involved in the exercise. The Belarusian side is represented by servicemen of the peacekeeping company of the 103rd Vitsebsk Independent Guards Airborne Brigade.
