Military official explains how media and bloggers want to hold color revolution in Belarus

The State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Andrei Raukou has spoken about six attempts of color revolutions in Belarus.

He wrote on Facebook that since 1994, no significant election campaign in Belarus has been without external interference.

“The newest history of our country remembers at least six attempts of color revolutions,” wrote Andrei Raukou.

At the same time he referred to the results of the research work carried out in the Belarusian State University.

“Such processes continue, though sometimes in more sophisticated, often camouflaged forms. One of them — the so-called “transformation” – implies cardinal dismantling of the sovereignty of Belarus by changing the public consciousness, the value base of the population and discrediting the state authorities. And the main drivers in this should be outwardly non-politicized structures, non-governmental media, blogosphere and social networks,” said the State Secretary of the Security Council.

According to him, “their use for mass “brainwashing” has turned into the decisive factor of conflicts and social upheavals of the XXI century.

The officers spoke in support of Lukashenka

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense has published information that the Coordinating Council of Officers’ Meetings of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces had appealed to the officer corps of the Armed Forces of Belarus with a proposal to fully support the current head of state at the presidential election.

“The Army of Belarus is proud of its Commander-in-Chief, President A.R. Lukashenka, and will continue to ensure the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the constitutional order of Belarus under his leadership,” the address reads.

The officers’ meetings supported the appeal unanimously, reports the agency.
