internal troops

Belarusian soldiers to participate in military drills at Tajik-Afghan border Belarusian troops left for Tajikistan to take part in the CSTO…

Interior Ministry special forces officially assist border guards Last year, the Interior Ministry's Special Forces took an active part in…

Interior Ministry explains ‘anti-protest’ exercise in Minsk The exercise coincided with the day of adoption of the Declaration on…

Leak: Belarus authorities to involve army in ‘protecting facilities’ if protests resume Belarusian Interior Minister Ivan Kubrakou has asked the Defence Ministry…

Ahead of election? Lukashenka inspects riot police’s demo crackdown on protesters During Tuesday’s visit to military unit #3214 in Uruchcha near Minsk,…

Belarusian SWAT now armed with drones Most likely, this year the SWAT will get new uniforms.

Belarusian police learn to disperse demonstrations in the field Sviatlahorsk special police brigade has conducted exercises on the territory of the…