University instructor fired after arrest for white-red-white curtains

Alyaksandr Maiseyeu, instructor and assistant of the general dentistry chair at Vitsebsk Medical University, was dismissed from his job for absenteeism, which happened when the man served three days in a detention center for white-red-white curtains he put up on his apartment window.

On January 20 Maiseyeu was placed in the temporary detention center pending trial. Three days later the Vitsebsk Kastrychnitski Borough Court found him guilty of participating in an unauthorized picket and sentenced him to a fine of 8 basic units.

In spite of the certificate about the stay in the TDF, the university administration claimed that he had missed those days without any valid reasons and dismissed him under the appropriate article of the Labor Law.

Alyaksandr Maiseyeu says that he could read the dismissal order on February 1, although before that he had not seen his name in the schedule for the next semester.

Alyaksandr Maiseyeu had worked at VSMU for three years. He taught general dentistry to students. He says that students will be upset by his dismissal because they liked him as a teacher.

According to the order, Alyaksandr Maiseyeu will be fired as of February 5. The man is going to appeal the decision of the educational institution.
