Belarus PM: ‘We should be ready for anything, including physical elimination of country’s leadership’

Belarusian Prime Minister Raman Halouchanka has made a comment on the widely reported plans to transfer presidential power to the Security Council after Tuesday’s meeting with Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

At the moment, the top official states he does not know what the final version of the corresponding decree will be, as it is up to Lukashenka to decide.

There are reasons for the decree. We all know what is going on around our country, what goals the enemies of our state pursue. They have gone beyond any moral values. Therefore, the country should be ready for anything, for any development of the situation. The president, as head of state, commander-in-chief, understands this very well. We should be ready for any development, including the ones not envisaged in the current Constitution: physical elimination of the leadership of the country,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Halouchanka.

According to Prime Minister, the draft decree defines how the state will function in case of an emergency situation, in order to ‘prevent the loss of control and to mobiliae forces to preserve order and security of citizens’.

Why do Putin and Lukashenka need a fake coup attempt?

As reported earlier, Alyaksandr Lukashenka claims that Belarusian opposition activists Alyaksandr Fyaduta, Ryhor Kastusiou, and Yury Zyankovich who were arrested in Belarus and Russia, had been allegedly preparing a coup d’etat and an attempt on him with the help of American special services. This information was then confirmed by the KGB of Belarus and the FSB of Russia. According to intelligence agencies, Zyankovich and Fyaduta consulted with representatives of the United States and Poland and planned to carry out a coup in Minsk on May 9. Lukashenka also claims that the ‘FBI or CIA’ and their accomplices were going to capture one or two children of him and put them in a cellar located in Homiel region.

After the coup d’etat, the conspirators and the opposition intended to ask for NATO troops to enter Belarus, which could become a springboard for an attack on Russia, Lukashenka believes. In turn, the United States denied any involvement in the reported assassination attempt on Lukashenka. Independent experts consider the attempted ‘military coup’ a staged and provocative act by Belarusian special services.

In late April, Alyaksandr Lukashenka announced sign a decree on the transfer of presidential powers to the Security Council ‘if there was such a need in the country’.

“If the president gets shot, the Council will be empowered the next day. A state of emergency must be declared instantly, up to and including the military law, if anyone on the border makes a move. And the Security Council has to make a decision. That’s why I said that I would sign the decree and determine who would govern the country in case of emergency,” he said.

It should be noted that such step would contravene the present-day Constitution of Belarus.

Lukashenka to sign decree on transition of presidential powers, following BelTA

