KGB raids flats of Belarusian experts Matskevich, Vyalichka, Vadalazhskaya, detain them

On Wednesday morning, the Minsk flat of reputed Belarusian methodologist and philosopher Uladzimir Matskevich was searched, but it is still unclear what he is suspected of.

He managed to inform his friends of the raid: ‘My place is being searched by the KGB. I have been held’, which indicates that Matskevich might have been detained. It is still unclear as part of which case the search was carried out.

According to human rights centre Viasna, the search was made at the place of Ulad Vyalichka, a former head of EuroBelarus and Matskevich’s associate. KGB officers seized all the computer equipment they found.

Numbers of articles written down by Alena Vyalichka. Photo: Меdiazona

Ulad was taken to the Investigative Committee, his wife Alena Vyalichka told Mediazona. The woman was not allowed to take a photo of the search warrant, so she wrote out the numbers of criminal articles that were listed there. There were 17 (!) of them (inciting hatred; slander; insulting; theft; fraud; stealing a vehicle; intentional destruction of someone else’s property; organisation or participation in mass riots; deliberate blocking of traffic; drug trafficking; organisation or participation in actions that grossly violate public order; unauthorised access to computer information; resistance to a police officer; violence or threat of violence against a police officer; calls for actions aimed at harming the national security of the Republic of Belarus; insulting the president). The wife says that Ulad Vyalichka is allegedly a suspect under all these articles.

Таtsyana Vadalazhskaya. Photo: The Village Беларусь/Telegram

Security officers also raided the apartment of sociologist and analyst Tatsyana Vadalazhskaya. The expert was detained after the search.

Minsk: Reputed political analyst Valeryia Kastsyuhova placed in pre-trial detention centre
