Lukashenka signs decree approving 28 Belarus-Russia integration programs

The decree, signed by Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Photo: Pool One/Telegram

At today’s online meeting with Vladimir Putin, Alyaksandr Lukashenka signed a decree ‘On the main directions of implementation of the Treaty’s provisions on the creation of the Union State in 2021-2023’.

The document was previously signed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

“Here, I am putting my signature. I see your [Russian president’s] signature under the ordinance and also the signatures of all members of the Supreme State Council. If you don’t mind, I will now sign the ordinance, too. Everyone will be held accountable, not only me,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Lukashenka.

A package of 28 Union programs for the implementation of the Treaty was developed earlier. What these programs are is still not clear; the detailed information has not been published. According to BelTA, the Union State programs ‘clearly spell out the mechanisms for the development of the common economic space: the formation of joint industry markets, harmonized financial, tax, credit, pricing, and trade policies’; provide for a solution to the problem of energy supplies to Belarus; envisage increasing of the volume of transport services, financing of new investment projects, developing common principles to the agrarian and industrial policies, and raising mutual social guarantees for citizens of the two countries.

Russian government unveils contents of 28 road maps
