LNR representatives head to Minsk to interrogate Raman Pratasevich, media reports

The Donbas Today newspaper has quoted a Russian volunteer claiming that representatives of the “prosecutor’s office” of the so-called “LNR” had left for Minsk.

There is no official confirmation of this information.

“The general prosecutor’s office” of the “LNR” has asked the Belarusian side to allow investigative actions with the detained blogger Raman Pratasevich in Minsk. The “LNR” militants accuse Pratasevich of allegedly taking part in combat operations in Donbas as a member of the Ukrainian “Azov” battalion. Furthermore, the militants claim that in the “LNR,” the Belarusian faces a firing squad.

On June 1, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said he was ready to allow “LNR” representatives to interrogate political prisoner Raman Pratasevich:

“There is a criminal case on these personalities in Donbas. I reminded President Putin that a criminal case has been opened, and I said that if they have any questions for them – please come to us, please ask them questions, because people were killed there in Donbas.”

Like the rest of the international community, Belarus does not consider the “LNR” and “DNR” groups to be independent state entities, so it remains unclear on what legal norms the representatives of the illegal armed formations will conduct investigative actions on the territory of Belarus.

