Raman Pratasevich

Warsaw court refuses to extradite NEXTA founder to Belarus The Belarusian authorities have long been pushing Poland to extradite Putsila

NYT: Minsk air traffic controller flees to Poland, reveals details of KGB operation to land Ryanair plane During the migration crisis at the Belarusian-Polish border, Polish special…

Final ICAO report on Ryanair landing postponed until 2022 Consideration of the report was postponed several times

Polish and Lithuanian investigators obtain black boxes from Ryanair plane that landed in Minsk They also interviewed the passengers of the flight

Belarus authorities put Sofia Sapega, Raman Pratasevich under house arrest Sofia Sapega and Raman Pratasevich have been placed under house arrest,…

Oil, potash, tobacco, banking: EU imposes targeted sanctions on Belarusian economy On June 24, the Council of the EU introduced new restrictive measures…

Analyst explains meaning of press conference involving Pratasevich The official Minsk did not expect that the incident with the Ryanair…

Targeting key industries, utmost urgency with next sanctions package: EP overwhelmingly adopts resolution on Belarus The European Parliament calls on the EU to punish…

‘One can’t make omelette without breaking eggs’: EU HR Borrell stresses need of targeted sanctions The situation in Belarus was discussed at the European Parliament…

LNR representatives head to Minsk to interrogate Raman Pratasevich, media reports On June 1, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said he was ready to allow…

Reuters: Lukashenka’s bonds threatened by repression The capture of Raman Protasevich and his girlfriend Sofia Sapega has raised…

EU bans Belarusian carriers from its airspace and airports On June 4, the Council of the European Union decided to strengthen…

Pratasevich spied upon by ‘intel professionals carrying Russian passports’ in Greece Russian passport-holders kept a wary eye on Belarusian blogger Raman Pratasevich…

Estonian president eager to help Belarus Estonia is "doing the best it can"

EP President David Sassoli calls for sanctions against Russia on back of crisis in Belarus Following the imposition of sanctions on Belarus, the European Union should…