Woman sentenced to freedom restriction for post about Prosecutor General

Natallia Krasko, a resident of Baraulyany, has been sentenced to 2 years of restricted freedom with placement in an open-type institution for her comment “the prosecutor general is a criminal,” spring96.org reports.

The sentence was passed by judge Anton Kolabau.

It was two years of freedom restriction that the state prosecutor requested for the 47-year-old woman. Krasko should also pay 9 thousand rubles to Andrei Shved — the amount estimated by the prosecutor general as “moral damages”.

Natallia Krasko was tried for writing the following in one of the telegram chats: “Prosecutor General is a criminal.” The investigation believed that the woman “thus spread false information,” and a criminal case was filed under article 188 of the Criminal Code (“Defamation”). Natallia was detained and her apartment was searched for “ribbons, hearts, and flowers.”

According to the human rights defenders, the summer of 2020 became the starting point of the biggest mass repressions in the modern history of Belarus. The Investigative Committee states that since August, more than 2,400 criminal cases have been opened in connection with the protests, and the Prosecutor General’s Office claims that during this period more than 3,000 such “crimes” have been registered. The exact number of politically motivated criminal cases remains unknown.

As of July 6, 534 individuals were recognized as political prisoners. Thousands of protesters across the country became victims of targeted torture, and more than 33,000 people were held in administrative detention. According to various estimates, between 4 and 15 people died as a result of the actions of the security forces. However, no one has been prosecuted for torture or murder.

