Andrey Shved

Over 1,600 convicts in politically motivated cases in Belarus last year

Woman sentenced to freedom restriction for post about Prosecutor General The woman is to pay Shved 9 thousand rubles

Over 100 criminal cases for ‘mockery of state symbols’ in Belarus According to Shved, the defendants "generally confessed and repented, often publicly."

Belarus launches criminal case against mayor of Riga and Latvian Foreign Minister Act of Solidarity with Belarusians labeled as one "inciting national hatred"

Belarus Prosecutor General’s Office set to be after ‘still living Nazi criminals’ in Poland, Lithuania Belarusian investigators got information about hundreds of previously unknown places…

Belarusian senators pass repressive legislation And the law on changes in appearance

Prosecutor General’s Office opens criminal case over ‘genocide of the Belarusian population’ during the war Andrei Shved opened a criminal case for the genocide of…

Belarus mulls introducing criminal responsibility for ‘dissemination of extremist views’ General Prosecutor's Office proposes to increase responsibility for "extremist activity"

Prosecutor General Andrey Shved announces strengthening of repressive measures The General Prosecutor's Office has prepared a set of proposals related…

Each protester will be detected and punished – Prosecutor General All participants in unauthorised mass events will be held liable, Belarus’ Prosecutor…