Moscow, Minsk reach consensus on all integration programs – deputy PM

The Union State program for creating a single gas market is ready, according to Belarus’ Deputy Prime Minister Mikalai Snapkou.

“By the moment, we have arrived at a consensus when it comes to all 28 union programs. Actually, we have already headed into the homestretch. I really hope that the presidents of our countries assess our work during the meeting on September 9 and make a decision on whether the programs are ready for being signed in the form and formulations in which they are currently presented by the governments,” Snapkou told state-run TV station Belarus 1.

According to the top official, the program to set up the common gas market is ready. It is the program that stitted up a great deal of controversy.

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“The roadmap suggests that next year the parties will apply the unambiguous, clear principles and approaches to the unified gas market. Today we see that the gas price for us is lower compared to all CIS countries and the European Union. The market is volatile, so these principles should help generate the correct price response in the Union State so that the prices remain comfortable for us,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes Mikalai Snapkou.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has recently announced the signing of integration programs might take place in October-November at a session of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.

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