Poland confiscates $2.5 million worth of Belarusian cigarettes

Confiscation of cigarettes by Polish customs officers. Photo: podlaskie.kas.gov.pl

Polish customs officers have confiscated another large batch of illicit cigarettes from Belarus, the regional administration of Bialystok reports.

Polish customs officers stopped for inspection a Lithuanian truck, which, according to the documents, was supposed to carry a batch of mineral wool to Germany. During the inspection, it was found that there were illegal cigarettes were hidden in the car.

The truck, driven by a 32-year-old Lithuanian citizen, contained 653 thousand packs of Belarusian cigarettes with an estimated market value of 9.7 million zlotys (about $2.5 million).

Police launched an investigation against the driver. He was arrested for three months. He faces up to 10 years in jail.

Smuggled cigarettes worth one million euros were recently found in a truck from Belarus in Lithuania.

