state border

Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s hybrid aggression is just the beginning. Is Russia preparing for a big war? Can Lukashenka start an armed conflict?

Over 1,850 people in Polish refugee camps, Polish Border Guard Captain says Polish Border Guard cannot establish contact with the Belarusian side

Merkel’s likely successor supports new sanctions against Lukashenka It is about a bad dictator in Belarus

We explain why migrants go to Germany through Belarus and what authorities say The migration crisis has been going on since May

Migrants stopped on border will be given humanitarian aid, Lithuanian Interior Ministry says The package will include dry rations, water, and necessities

Gas explosion on Polish-Belarusian border leaves person injured The accident was caused by a discharge from a sewage well

Lithuania reports new wave of migrants coming from Belarus October 23, Lithuanian border guards refused to let 183 foreigners from Belarus,…

Polish and Lithuanian prime ministers comment on border crisis According to them, there are more than 10 thousand migrants in Belarus

Belarusian government eases border restrictions It can only be done once every three months

President of Poland issues decree on state of emergency on border with Belarus It will cover a three-kilometer strip from the border with Belarus

Two convicts in ’roundhouse case’ brutally detained while trying to escape to Ukraine They beat people lying down, "interrogated" them on camera with their…

Night in neutral zone. Reportage about migrants on Lithuanian-Belarusian border Since the beginning of 2021, over 2,000 migrants have been detained…

Lithuanian border guards detain 47 more people on border with Belarus Those detained in the last two days identified themselves as nationals of…

Poland confiscates $2.5 million worth of Belarusian cigarettes They were transported by a Lithuanian citizen

Ukraine imposes restrictions in areas bordering Belarus They will be in effect until the end of the year