Ukraine imposes restrictions in areas bordering Belarus

Ukrainian border guard. Photo: pivnichniy.kordon / Facebook

Ukraine has imposed additional restrictions in the Rivne region, bordering with Belarus, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine wrote on Facebook.

The new restrictions will be in force until the end of 2021.

According to them, local authorities and utility services should inform frontier guards six hours before any work is done in the border area.

Traffic is prohibited along the roads leading to the border from 22:00 to 06:00. It is also forbidden to park on the neutral strip between Belarus and Ukraine and pick up passengers without proper IDs.

Ukraine must get prior notice of the flights of light aircraft and drones about 24 hours in advance and at least one hour in advance for diving or leaving small vessels and other watercraft on the lakes and other bodies of water in the border area.

Russia is once again threatening Ukraine with the so-called “protection of Russians” and is pulling troops to our southern neighbor’s borders. On the other hand, Ukraine is preparing for a possible repulsion of aggression and enlisting international support.
