Lithuania reports new wave of migrants coming from Belarus

On October 23, Lithuanian border guards refused to let in 183 foreigners from Belarus, as Delfi reports, referring to Lithuania’s State Border Guard Service.

This is one of the highest figures since August 2, when border guards started to deny entry to migrants from Belarus legally. As many as 76 foreigners were denied entry on Friday, October 22, 57 – on Thursday, 79 – on Wednesday, 55 – on Tuesday, 149 – on Monday, and 49 – on Sunday.

The flow of migrants trying to get to Lithuania from Belarus is increasing: 1,558 such people were not allowed into the country on October 1-23, while in September, there were 981 of them.

Control of the border on the Lithuanian side is carried out in intensified mode. Since the beginning of 2021, over 4,2 thousand migrants have already crossed the border from Belarus to Lithuania illegally. The majority of them are Iraqi citizens. In September, Lithuania started applying a policy of turning back the migrants at the border to stop illegal migration.

Meanwhile, the influx of migrants into the EU caused an extreme reaction from the ultra-right. For example, police in Germany on Sunday night stopped a group of neo-Nazis with truncheons and machetes on the border with Poland. According to TASS, members of the “Third Way” organization had gone to the border with Poland, allegedly to prevent illegal migration.

In July 2021, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said that Belarus would no longer hold back illegal migration to the EU countries due to sanctions. First of all, a large flow of migrants was directed to Lithuania. As of September, there were over 4.2 thousand people from Asia and Africa. Then Latvia and Poland felt the tension at their borders.

