
German Federal Prosecutor’s Office launches investigation into Russian war crimes in Ukraine German Prosecutor's Office also fears that the number of war…

Germany freezes Nord Stream 2 This is a response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine

China launches freight train to Germany bypassing Belarus This may be a serious blow to the Belarusian Railway

Belorusneft cancels supplies to Germany over sanctions In December it was planned to deliver 150 thousand tons

Lukashenka engages in double blackmail, German politician says

Lithuania’s FM reports attempts to remove Belarus’ airline Belavia from EU sanctions list Some EU member country made attempts to prevent the Belarusian…

‘He is not president’. EEAS spokesman comments on Lukashenka’s demands, Merkel calls him again The EU does not consider Alyaksandr Lukashenka as the president…

Merkel’s likely successor supports new sanctions against Lukashenka It is about a bad dictator in Belarus

Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification They found flaws in the documents

Lukashenka and Merkel discuss migration crisis

We explain why migrants go to Germany through Belarus and what authorities say The migration crisis has been going on since May

Germany’s Attorney General receives complaint against Belarus’ top security officials for crimes against humanity The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)…

Lithuania reports new wave of migrants coming from Belarus October 23, Lithuanian border guards refused to let 183 foreigners from Belarus,…

Germany’s Interior Minister: Key to resolving migration crisis on EU borders probably lies in Moscow The key to resolving the current migration crisis probably lies…

Angela Merkel calls on Belarus to help with refugees on EU border Also the German chancellor stressed the unacceptability of hybrid attacks using people