Germany freezes Nord Stream 2

The German government is temporarily suspending the certification of Nord Stream-2 due to the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Deutsche Welle reports.

Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor. Photo: Olaf Kosinsky / Wikimedia

The commissioning of the pipeline will be frozen, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on February 22. He said he had asked the Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection to withdraw the current report regarding the reliability analysis of the supply, which the Federal Network Agency prepared.

“This is a necessary step under administrative law so that certification of the pipeline cannot follow,” he said.

The relevant department of the German Ministry of Economics will make a new assessment of the security of the supply, taking into account “the changes in the last few days,” the chancellor explained.

“At this stage, it is important – apart from the initial sanctions [against Russia –] – to prevent further escalation and thus another catastrophe. All our diplomatic efforts are aimed at this,” the German head of government said.
