Angela Merkel calls on Belarus to help with refugees on EU border

German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid a one-day official visit to Poland on September 11.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / PAP.

In her speech in Warsaw, Angela Merkel appealed to Belarus to help refugees stranded on the border with neighboring countries and stressed the unacceptability of hybrid attacks using people who need help, reports Euronews.

“We are now seeing hybrid attacks on the eastern border, where refugees are used to exert pressure. This applies to Lithuania and Poland. We need to provide humanitarian aid, but at the same time protect the external borders of the European Union,” said the German Chancellor.

Earlier, Polish authorities reported a sharp increase in the number of illegal crossings of the Belarusian-Polish border in recent months. In response, Poland began to build a fence on the Belarusian border and declared a state of emergency in the border areas.
