Over 1,850 people in Polish refugee camps, Polish Border Guard Captain says

Polish Border Guard Captain Krystyna Jakimik-Jarosz has told Belsat about the recent developments at the border.

Captain of the Polish Border Guard Service Krystyna Jakimik-Jarosz. Photo: Belsat

Krystyna Jakimik-Jarosz reports that on November 19, migrants used wooden pallets to climb over the barbed wire. But this could not be done, as the Polish military dragged the pallets inside. Stones were also thrown in the direction of the Polish law enforcers, and tear gas was used in response. At the same time, the Belarusian security forces blinded the Poles with green lights to help the migrants cross the border.

“We are trying to establish contact with the Belarusian side. But since groups of migrants started trying to cross the border en masse, contact has been lost,” says the captain of the Polish Border Guard.

Krystyna Jakimik-Jarosz also mentioned the figures of the migrants, who are now in Polish refugee camps:

“There are currently 1,850 people in Polish refugee camps who crossed the Belarusian-Polish border during the year. Fifty percent of them have applied for asylum in Poland.”

Polish Border Guard Captain Krystyna Jakimik-Jarosz’s uniform. Photo: Belsat

Meanwhile, according to the Belarusian side, there are now about two thousand migrants on the border with Poland, most of them are staying in the logistics center. Some of them are planning to return home.

