Lukashenka confirms shortage of doctors in Belarus

During his visit to the City Hospital # 1 in Vorsha, Alyaksandr Lukashenka demanded that the Ministry of Health solve the issue of doctors leaving the country, BelTA informs.

Lukashenka pointed out a lack of anesthesiologists in the country as a whole. Some specialists, having received free education in Belarus, go abroad to work. According to him, we need to find a solution to this problem.

“You have to make a proposal next year. They come to the university to study and finish their studies. We have prepared you, now work for ten years. We need to dot all the i’s,” Lukashenka ordered the Minister of Health.

Over the last year, several medical employees have become victims of political repression — they were fired for openly expressing their civic position. After their dismissal, they found it impossible to find a medical job in Belarus. They were put on an unspoken “black list.”

According to the media, the shortage of doctors in Belarus has increased by more than 7 thousand employees in the last year and a half. At the beginning of 2020, the country lacked 3 thousand

physicians, while by the end of June 2021, the figure grew to more than 10 thousand people.
