Ukraine’s prosecutors delving into Lukashenka’s cooperation with Donbas separatists

Photo: Lukashenka’s press service

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine has started studying the details of Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s cooperation with representatives of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR).

The office provided such information in response to the appeal made by Oleksiy Honcharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

On his Telegram channel, the deputy referred to the LPR reports regarding their security officers’ allegedly interrogating Belarusian political prisoner Raman Pratasevich ‘at the personal invitation of Alyaksandr Lukashenka, on the back of which they got convinced of his ‘involvement in the killings of civilians in Donbas’.

“In fact, this means that Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who seized power in Belarus by force, has recognised terrorist republics,” Honcharenko stressed.

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According to him, other MPs backed the appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

“Lukashenka’s actions are nothing but an attack on our territorial integrity! Ukraine should open a criminal case against the dictator for cooperation with terrorists,” the politician said.

In his opinion, Ukraine should increase economic and sanctions pressure on the regime as well.

In early June, Donbas separatist media reported that representatives of the of the so-called LNR had left for Minsk. They allegedly asked the Belarusian side to allow investigative actions with the arrested blogger Raman Pratasevich in Minsk. The militants accuse Pratasevich of allegedly taking part in combat operations in Donbas as a member of Ukraine’s Azov battalion.

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