BYPOL: Military Academy colonel ordered cadets to fire live ammunition at protesters

Syarhei Mazouka. Photo: Mazouka Syarhei Anatolievich /

The BYPOL initiative has published an audio recording that tells that Syarhei Mazouka, a colonel at the military academy, urges cadets to fear nothing and shoot live ammunition at peaceful protesters on his orders.

According to BYPOL, the head of the combined arms faculty in the 10th of August 2020, acting in violation of the military oath, “publicly gave a criminal order to his cadets to be ready to use live ammunition against Belarusians who were peacefully protesting against the rigged presidential election results.”

“The 12th, the 35th, 91st, when the Soviet Union collapsed — it did not lead to anything good. So, that’s why everybody should be ready to get involved. So I’m going to appoint all these people now, so everybody knows who we’re going to give the clip, who’s going to go forward and attack. So, don’t be afraid of anything, move out quietly, let’s go. And let’s go forward. Maybe if someone tries … I will then decide – whether I will shoot myself or someone who has live ammunition, I say: “Fire! The first shot will in the air, and somebody — somebody then will fire live ammunition,” the voice on the recording says.

BYPOL also recalled that Syarhei Mazouka is a deputy of Minsk City Council of Deputies of the 28th convocation in the 52nd Eastern constituency.
