armed forces

Belarusian volunteer fighter killed near Kyiv He served in the Kastus Kalinouski Battalion

Belarusian troops may join attack on Ukraine The Kremlin insists on it

Military observers arrive in Belarus to monitor drill On February 19 they visited the training ground, where the exercises took…

Belarusian military in Kazakhstan already engaged, Defense Ministry reports Soldiers from the 103rd Independent Airborne Brigade from Vitsebsk arrived in…

Russian strategic bombers fly over Belarusian border again Makey threatens to use nuclear weapons again

Belarus to receive attack helicopters from Russia Previously, it was about 4 helicopters, now about a larger number - possibly…

Russia-Belarus military drill ‘Zapad-2021’ begins amid fears of non-transparency At the time of publication, the Belarusian side had not announced…

CSTO preparing for drills at Tajik-Afghan border. It’s unclear whether Belarus troops will be sent there At the moment, there is no need to employ the…

Captain Dzyanis Urad to stand another trial The Supreme Court will hear the case

BYPOL: Military Academy colonel ordered cadets to fire live ammunition at protesters This happened in August 2020

Brest paratroopers fly to Russia to practice peacekeeping operations Are they getting ready for Syria?

Joint military exercises of Russia and Belarus to be held in March Belarus and Russia plan to hold joint military exercises

Belarus makes own missile for Polonez rocket system Who will we fight?

MoD threatens West with ‘additional steps’ in wake of ‘politicised’ reaction to 2020 election On February 22, Aleh Voinau, Head of the MoD International…

Lukashenka: Wars begin with street protests According to him, the protests are being followed by the Maidans.