Women detained in sauna outside Zhodzina fined almost 46K rubles

The administrative cases involving 12 town residents detained in a sauna on April 24th were recently heard in the city court of Zhodzina. As a result, all of them were fined a total of 45,820 rubles, according to the local edition Ex-press.by.

On April 27, the court was to hear the case of 22 people detained in a private sauna. However, the materials of their cases were not brought to court. Instead, the detainees were sent home and told to wait for the new summons. They will be summoned again when the materials are brought and distributed to the judges. Zhodzina, Belarus. April 27, 2021. Photo: Belsat.

Among the defendants, there are mostly teachers and medical workers. Some of them are mothers with many children. None of them pleaded guilty.

At the same time, each woman explained that there had been no meeting in the bathhouse. None of them had been to this meeting with the banned symbols.

Detention in Zhodzina on April 24th. Photo: minobl_uvd / Telegram

To prove their innocence, the defendants filed motions to view the video footage from the cameras on which the police officers filmed what was happening. But the petitions to view the video were not granted, as the head of the Zhodzina police department, Uladzimir Tratsiuk, said in response to the court request that the cameras were technically defective and there were no records of what was happening in the sauna.

The witnesses, military man Hanakou and policemen Chyzhankou and Musik, appeared in court. They said that when everyone was taken out of the sauna, the officers found someone’s backpack with one flag in it. Witnesses did not see any flags in the hands of anyone present. It is unknown to whom the backpack belonged.

As a result, judges Ivan Hrynkevich, Hanna Mukavozchyk, and Katsiaryna Yakubitskaya sentenced the women to fines: four people were fined 200 base units, seven – 100 base units, and one woman – 80 base units.

The total amount was 1,580 basic units or 45,820 rubles.

On Saturday, April 24, 21 people were detained while resting in a suburban sauna in Zhodzina. Some of the people were released at night with the protocols filed. Nine people were kept in the TDF. They were convicted three days later – they received 15 and 25 days of arrest each. Among them was the son of the sauna’s owner, resting in his room at the time of detention. He was sentenced to 15 days in jail for disobeying the officers.

Police filed protocols for the men and women under Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Violations (“Violation of the order of organizing or holding mass events”). Some women were also reported for disobedience to police under Article 24.3 of the Code.

