BYPOL and Peramoha plan labeled ‘extremist formation’

Subscribers to the telegram channels of the former siloviki initiative are threatened with searches.

The logo of the BYPOL initiative uniting former security forces. Image: By_Pol / Youtube

On November 8, GUBOPIC reported in the Telegram channel that the ByPol initiative of former Belarusian law enforcers and the mobilization plan “Peramoha” (“Victory”) had been recognized as an “extremist formation,” state media report.

In contrast to the distribution of “extremist materials” (for which the person who saved or distributed them is administratively liable), criminal liability is provided for the leaders of the “formation” or those who facilitate it. How this will be punished in practice is unknown.

This is not the first time the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime has threatened ordinary subscribers of “formations” with searches. Even if nothing is found during the search, citizens are not compensated for the consequences of the pogrom in their homes.

The BYPOL initiative appeared a year ago and at first focused only on investigating the crimes of active security officials (such as torture at the police department, plans to create concentration camps or the murder of Raman Bandarenka). Later, the initiative supported the plan “Peramoha” from the Situation Analysis Center, created based on BYPOL. It continued investigations as well.

The plan provides for applying for participation via an anonymous chatbot, optionally describing one’s abilities, and waiting for “time X” and further instructions.
