extremist formation

Nasha Niva declared ‘extremist formation’ The ‘group of citizens from among the private firm Surodzichy’ has been recognised…

Online resources of Radio Liberty in Belarus recognized as ‘extremist formation’ Earlier, two more independent Belarusian mass media outlets were recognized as…

KGB declares BelaPAN extremist formation This is the second media outlet with this status

BYPOL and Peramoha plan labeled ‘extremist formation’ Subscribers are threatened with searches

Pro-Lukashenka police accuse political prisoner Marfa Rabkova of running criminal anarchist organisation The Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under Parts…

Belarus authorities declare Belsat ‘extremist formation’ The citizens who are ‘united with the help of Belsat Internet resources’…

Telegram channel administrator to face trial as head of extremist formation The young man faces up to seven years in prison