Minsk police detain girl with white-red dyed hair. She gets hefty fine for ‘picketing’

On Thursday morning, 19-year-old Viktoryia Lyovina was detained on Adzintsou Street in Minsk. The policemen did not like the girl’s hair colour, human rights centre Viasna reports.

Illustrative photo. Source: CLODAGH KILCOYNE / Reuters / Forum

A protocol was drawn upon her for ‘violating the rules of holding a mass event’ (Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences).

“She held a picket by having white-red-white colours of hair on her head,” the document reads.

The infamous judge Natallya Buhuk (it is her who sentenced Belsat TV journalists Darya Chultsova and Katsyaryna Andreyeva to two years in jail) considered the case via video link on the same day. She asked the defendant to show what her hair looked like, called it ‘a very interesting and original hairstyle’, but then found the girl guilty of picketing imposed a fine of 2,320 Belarusian rubles (more than $900) on her.

According to Viktoryia, she had her hair dyed almost six months ago ‘just for fun’. At that moment, her hair was blond, there were only a few red strands. By now, one can already see the base of her hair which is naturally black, Viktoryia stressed.

