Official proposes to confiscate property and withdraw citizenship for calls for sanctions

Aleh Belakoneu. Photo:

According to the MP of the House of Representatives Aleh Belakoneu, Belarusians should be deprived of Belarusian citizenship for calls for sanctions, their property should be confiscated. He said this to the state channel ONT, commenting on the approval of the bill “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus” by the House of Representatives.

“The damage from the sanctions, imposed today on the Republic of Belarus in different directions, including economic, is quite significant. The people who call for this, who do not understand what they do, should be held responsible. Moreover, in my opinion, it should not be limited by Article 361. I think there will be a general confiscation of property for the state in order to somehow offset the consequences that these people have inflicted. Well, in my opinion, they should be deprived of citizenship, too,” said Aleh Belakoneu.

The bill “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus,” introduced by Deputy Belakoneu to the House of Representatives, provides for stiffer penalties under Article 361 “Calls for actions aimed at causing damage to the national security of the Republic of Belarus.”

It is envisaged to introduce criminal liability for appeals to sanctions – restriction or deprivation of liberty for up to 12 years.

Last month, Vyachaslau Arlouski, head of the Department of the Main Office for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, also suggested depriving of citizenship those who acquired it, rather than received it by birthright. If they were found guilty of extremist, terrorist crimes, or those that harm the interests of Belarus by a court decision, they should be punished.
