
Authorities prepare amendments to law seeking to revoke citizenship and seize property of Belarusians They want to deprive even those who received their citizenship…

Official proposes to confiscate property and withdraw citizenship for calls for sanctions

Senior police officer: Belarusians ‘serving interests of West from abroad’ should be deprived of citizenship On October 18, Vyachaslau Arlouski, the head of the…

Law on Belarusian citizenship amended What has changed?

Metropolitan Kondrusiewicz not deprived of citizenship, Belarus authorities say His passport was canceled "to avoid its unreasonable use".

Belarusians and Ukrainians can now obtain Russian citizenship easier But this will not affect the situation

Belarus to simplify procedure for obtaining citizenship Belarus will make the law on citizenship more liberal.

Belarus may ease rules of granting citizenship Belarusian lawmakers are expected to consider amendments to the law on citizenship at…

Russian citizenship: Dropping barriers for Belarusians, Ukrainians The Russian authorities are working on easing the process of obtaining Russian…