Man who filmed accident in amusement park sentenced

On July 13, the Shklou district court sentenced Pavel Pyatrouski, who had videotaped the accident with the rides in Alyaksandryia. Before that, he had been kept in the Shklou police department for three days, reports Radio Liberty.

Pavel Pyatrouski was detained on Saturday, July 10. The detention was held by the Committee of State Security.

Pavel Pyatrouski. Photo:

The official reason for the detention was Article 19.11 of the Administrative Code (“Dissemination of information products included in the republican list of extremist materials, as well as the production, publication, storage or transportation of such information.)

As a result, the man was sentenced to 7 days of administrative arrest.

Pyatrovsky is a private entrepreneur from Brest. He went to the festival to sell his goods. The man was educated as a teacher of history. He is married with two young children – one is three years old, and the other is 10 months old.

The incident in the amusement park took place at the festival “Alyaksandryia meets friends.” A strong wind lifted in the air a trampoline with children. A video of the incident appeared online.

According to the Ministry of Health, five people – two children and three adults – sought medical help after the incident. Later, the head of the Main Department of Health of Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee, Alyaksandr Staravoitau, said that seven people, not five, were injured due to the incident with the trampoline.

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