Since election anniversary, Minsk courts sentence people en masse

During this week, Minsk courts tried those arrested on the anniversary of last year’s presidential elections and the beginning of peaceful protests in Belarus. According to the human rights center “Viasna,” this week alone, Minsk citizens were fined 13,920 rubles and given 397 days of administrative arrest.

All in all, at least 30 people were convicted in Minsk this week.

Police filed reports on Minskers for laying flowers at the place of Alyaksandr Taraykouski’s death, and courts sentenced people to fines and jail terms.

Probably the moment Kanstantsin Tsyavlouski was detained near the Pushkinskaya metro station in Minsk on August 10. Photo: nashaniva / Telegram

On August 10, the 33-year-old Yauhen Malinousky was detained near the “Aurora” cinema for wearing bracelets of the “wrong” color. The next day Judge Yarokhina punished Malinouski with 30-day detention.

Some Minsk citizens were preventively detained before August 9th: security officers came to their homes, detained them in a cafe or lured them out into the street, where they were detained.

Two Minskers were detained for a white sheet of paper and a child’s drawing on the window.
