TUT.BY reporter Lyubou Kaspyarovich sentenced to 15 days in jail

Lyubou Kaspyarovich. Photo: TUT.BY

On Monday, Maskouski district court of Minsk considered a case against TUT.BY journalist Lyubou Kaspyarovich. She was found guilty of unauthorised picketing (Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences), the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) reports.

The journalist was tried via Skype, the signal quality was very low. According to the prosecution’s version, she was picketing the House of Justice from 10.10 to 10.40 on May, 14. Lyubou flatly denied the accusation, saying that she came there to cover the so called students’ case, for which she had accreditation.

On that day, more than 200 Belarusians gathered in front of the court building to show support for twelve defendants. Only relatives were allowed to be present at the trial. Notably, representatives of the state media were also let into the courtroom. A police officer asked everyone to leave, but the supporters said that they would stand until the hearing ended. Then the riot police dispersed the people; at least 14 persons were detained, including Lyubou Kaspyarovich.

The journalist spent the weekend in the notorious detention centre on Akrestsin Street. She was put in a three-place cell; however, she had nine cellmates.

There were no mattresses and bed linen; light was on even at night, which prevented us from normally sleeping,” she stressed.

Today judge Syarhei Katsar has sentenced Lyubou Kaspyarovich to 15 days in jail.

Journalists detained in Mahiliou arrested for 20 days

