Putin’s spokesman: It is impossible to bring in line US, Russia stands on Belarus

On the back of the talks between the presidents of the United States and Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has told Echo of Moscow that the parties failed to bring closer their positions on Belarus.

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin‘s press secretary revealed some details regarding the recent meeting in Geneva. In particular, he noted that it would be impossible to bring in line the two leaders’ stands on resolving the current crisis in Belarus.

“First, Belarus was by no means one of the priorities on the agenda. Indeed it was voiced by the American side, the issue of Belarus was raised in the well-known way. We all know the US position [on the subject],” Peskov said.

Dmitry Peskov specified what he meant by ‘the position taken’ during the negotiations.

“There are also problems concerning the [Ryanair] plane [grounded by the Belarusian authorities in may]. Hence, they [Americans] consider it unacceptable, they refer to numerous violations and so on. However, we have our own view on that, we have information obtained from the very first source, from the president of Belarus. President Putin has no reason not to trust his Belarusian counterpart. It was stated that it was the very point where, perhaps, one hardly needs to try to move the stands closer. It is impossible,” he said.

On June 16, US President Joseph Biden admitted having discussed the situation in Belarus with Vladimir Putin.

“We agreed to pursue diplomacy related to the Minsk Agreement. And I shared our concerns about Belarus. He didn’t disagree with what happened; he just has a different perspective of what to do about it,” he said.

Belarus is figure in Biden’s game of cards with Putin. Should one expect big deal?

