Joe Biden

Why Ukraine fights alone and how West is helping it Overview of assistance the international community is capable of giving Ukraine.

Biden calls Putin amid tensions in Ukraine The Kremlin has not reported this call

Biden to send troops to Eastern Europe

‘Hybrid attack, not migration crisis’: Biden, von der Leyen discuss sanctions against airlines carrying migrants to Minsk On November 10, European Commission President Ursula von der…

Bookmakers consider Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya fourth Nobel Peace Prize contender Tsikhanouskaya is fourth on the list of the most likely Nobel…

Washington Post calls on Biden administration to withhold IMF funds for Belarus

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya meets with U.S. President She said she was proud of her people and urged the U.S. to…

U.S. considers new sanctions against Belarus, affecting oil sector and fertilizers The U.S. will continue to hold the Belarusian authorities accountable through…

Putin’s spokesman: It is impossible to bring in line US, Russia stands on Belarus On the back of the talks between the presidents of the…

Belarus is figure in Biden’s game of cards with Putin. Should one expect big deal? US President Joe Biden will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin…

Joe Biden about grounding Ryanair plane, arrest of journo: ‘Shameful assaults on political dissent’ On May 24, the administration of US President Joe Biden…

President of Poland seeks international support to protect persecuted Poles in Belarus President Andrzej Duda is set to bring the issue the Polish…

Joe Biden to support European integration of Belarus, US congresswoman says The U.S. should expand sanctions against members of Alyaksandr Lukashenka's regime…

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya: ‘We have invitation from Joe Biden’ (exclusive interview) In the interview with Belsat TV news show Prasviet, Belarusian opposition…

US Democratic candidate vows support for Belarus, pushes for expanding sanctions The international community should significantly expand its sanctions on Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s…