Washington Post calls on Biden administration to withhold IMF funds for Belarus

The influential American media, The Washington Post, has called on the Biden administration and other allies to withhold IMF funds for Belarus because it would weaken sanctions.

The Washington Post editorial office building Photo: Brendan Smialowski / AFP

The article says the United States and its allies are right to impose sanctions that suppress Lukashenka’s sources of stability, including oil refining and the potash industry. “President Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson both personally met Ms. Tikhanovskaya recently in a show of support. But there is more to be done.”

On August 23, the IMF is to distribute reserve assets designed to provide an economic cushion for countries burdened by the effects of the coronavirus or debt debts. This is the largest payout in IMF history — $650 billion. It is to be distributed according to the size of each economy.

It goes on to say that some authoritarian governments, including Belarus, may receive these payments because most countries still recognize Lukashenka’s government.

“The Biden administration should mobilize European and other allies — all members of the IMF — to demand a suspension of the funds. To release them now would dilute the impact of sanctions,” the article said.

The publication called on Joe Biden’s administration not to pay $1 billion of the IMF reserve assets to the regime in Belarus, calling Lukashenka “an illegitimate despot, whose people voted for his resignation.

The article also mentions Lukashenka’s words after the issue of Western sanctions: “You can choke on your sanctions.”

“The only answer is to keep up the pressure. All those who want to see democracy prevail in Belarus should hit the brakes on this misguided disbursement — and fast,” says the newspaper.

belsat. eu
