Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya: ‘We have invitation from Joe Biden’ (exclusive interview)

In the interview with Belsat TV news show Prasviet, Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya said that she might meet with US president-elect Joseph R. Biden soon.

“Indeed, we [Tsikhanouskaya’s team] are planning a meeting with Joe Biden, and we have already got an invitation to [participate in] such meeting. In the near future, we are going to visit Great Britain, Norway, some other states – I cannot remember now, but there are also eastern countries on our list,” the politician told Prasviet host Alina Koushyk when asked about her short-term plans and intention to meet with the newly-elected leader of the United States.

A few days ago, The Washington Post called on the US authorities to express solidarity with the Belarusian protesters. According to the editorial board, inviting Tsikhanouskaya to Biden’s inauguration and their holding a meeting at the White House would show the world that the United States ‘once again supports democracy’.

The interview is part of Thursday’s episode of Belsat TV news show Prasviet (World and Us). Read the full version in English on on November, 28. Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya shares her views on a number of hot-button topics, including Belarus-Russia relations, the diaspora’s increasing role, the opposition’s contacts with Western countries, the Kremlin, international organisations, etc., photos for collage: Faith Ninivaggi / Reuters / Forum, POOL / Reuters / Forum
