Tsikhanouskaya’s former election agent detained in Navapolatsk

Alena Radzkova. Photo: Belsat

Alena Radzkova, who was one of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s local election agents, was detained in Navapolatsk (Vitsebsk region) on Monday.

The police apprehended her when the woman was taking her child to the kindergarten. On Tuesday afternoon, her whereabouts was still unknown. When reached over the phone, officers of pre-trial detention centres in Polatsk and Navapolatsk answered that there was no such detainee.

In addition, volunteer Artur Sineha, who is a cancer patient, was detained together with Alena. He is being kept in the detention facility in Polatsk.

In early May, Chyhunachny district court announced guilty verdicts in the case of members of Belarusian presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s initiative group in the Belarusian city of Homiel.

Up to 6.5 years in prison: Harsh sentences imposed on Tsikhanouskaya’s election agents in Homiel

ІІ belsat.eu

