Now 88: Lukashenka’s crony, ministers, senior police officers included in UK sanctions list

Іllustrative photo

On February 18, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK sanctions list; 27 names of Belarusian officials, judges and siloviki have been added to it.

Among others, the United Kingdom blacklisted Ivan Eysmant, Chairman of the Belarusian State Television and Radio Company; Information Minister Ihar Lutski; Deputy Information Minister Pavel Lyohki; Uladzimir Karanik, head of Hrodna region executive xommittee; Natallya Kachanava, Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s close associate and Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of Belarus’ National Assembly; Prosecutor General Andrey Shved; Deputy Prime Minister Anatol Sivak; Alyaksandr Turchyn, Chairman of Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

As reported earlier, the sanctions regime is aimed at encouraging the government of Belarus to:

  • respect democratic principles and institutions and the separation of powers and the rule of law in Belarus

  • refrain from actions, policies or activities which repress civil society in Belarus

  • investigate properly and institute criminal proceedings against the persons responsible for the disappearances of Yury Zakharanka, Viktar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski, Dzmitry Zavadski

  • comply with international human rights law and respect human rights

The regulations impose asset freezes on persons reasonably suspected of involvement in conduct enabling or facilitating the disappearances of four people or the failure to investigate properly or institute criminal proceedings against the persons responsible for those disappearances; the commission of serious human rights violations in Belarus; the repression of civil society or democratic opposition in Belarus; or other actions, policies or activities which undermine democracy or the rule of law in Belarus.

In total, the UK introduced sanctions against 88 Belarusian citizens and 7 companies.

USA imposes sanctions on Belarus officials in wake of sentences for Belsat journalists
