Tsikhanouskaya’s team comments on info about Lukashenka’s assassination attempt

Tsikhanouskaya’s team suspects that the information about an assassination attempt on Lukashenka and his family may be a provocation of the intelligence services of Belarus and Russia, reports Radio Liberty, citing BelaPAN.

“The information, released by state agencies and voiced by Lukashenka on April 17, has signs of provocation by the intelligence services of Russia and Belarus, involving citizens of Belarus and the United States,” says the press service of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

Tsikhanouskaya’s team considers it necessary to refrain from hasty conclusions and decisions that can harm the national interests, sovereignty, and independence of Belarus.

On 17 April, Lukashenka reported on the detention of people who were allegedly planning an assassination attempt on him and his children and linked it to the US special services. Political scientists and political technologists Alyaksandr Fyaduta, an American lawyer of Belarusian origin Yury Zyankovich were detained in Moscow while chairman of the BPF party Ryhor Kastusiou was detained in Shklou.

A criminal case under Art. 357 (“Conspiracy or other measures aimed at seizure of state power”) was brought against Yury Zyankovich and Alyaksandr Fyaduta.

