Eduard Babaryka has been behind bars over 18 months which is illegal

Eighteen months and one day have passed since Eduard Babaryka’s detention. According to the current Code of Criminal Procedure, this is the maximum period a person can be held in custody during the preliminary investigation. Eduard should have been released on December 17, but he was never released, reports the Telegram channel of Viktar Babaryka.

Eduard Babaryka. Photo by

Under the existing law, after 18 months, the accused must be released. But this did not happen in the case of Eduard Babaryka. The Code of Criminal Procedure provides that the accused can be kept behind bars for more than a year and a half, but in this case the preliminary investigation must be completed and the criminal case file submitted.

But the public does not know whether these legal aspects were fulfilled with regard to Eduard Babaryka. His lawyers would not comment on the situation after signing the non-disclosure note.

Eduard Babaryka was detained together with his father Viktar on June 18, 2020. Eduard was the head of Viktar Babaryka’s headquarters. He was detained at the FID, where he had been summoned for interrogation before. Eduard is suspected of tax evasion.
