
18 months behind bars: Jailed presidential wannabe Viktar Babaryka’s son Eduard facing two criminal charges According to preliminary information, political prisoner Eduard Babaryka is facing…

Eduard Babaryka has been behind bars over 18 months which is illegal Eduard was to be released on December 17.

Year passes since arrest of might-have-been presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka, his son Eduard Viktar Babaryka was standing a good chance to win the…

‘Razam’ party meeting dispersed by police

Lukashenka goes to prison for talks In the KGB pre-trial detention center Alyaksandr Lukashenka spoke with Babaryka, members of…

Associate calls on Belarusians to vouch for KGB-jailed presidential hopeful Maryia Kalesnikava, a coordinator at Viktar Babaryka's campaign office, has urged…

‘Hobbit’ Elijah Wood sends words of support to jailed presidential wannabe American film star Elijah Wood who rose to international fame after…

Journalists learnt what Viktar and Eduard Babaryka are accused of Tax evasion, money laundering, bribery.

Another search of house of Viktar Babaryka’s son On June 25, law enforcers raided the house of Eduard Babaryka's house in…

Minsk: Lawyers barred from visiting jailed presidential hopeful for four days Defense lawyers have not seen wannabe presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka since…

Presidential hopeful Babaryka may await trial behind bars Wannabe presidential candidate Viktar Babaryka is likely to be held in detention…