Activists of Belarusian Social Democratic Party and Mahiliou Human Rights Center searched

Belarusian politicians and human rights activists report another wave of arrests and searches.

On January 19, Ludzmila Volkava, member of the presidium of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), one of the administrators of the party telegram channel “BSDP”, was detained. According to the party leader Ihar Barysau, law enforcement officers came to her workplace, then together with her they went to Ludzmila’s home, where they carried out a search.

Also, the symbols of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party were replaced with the state emblem in the party telegram channel, and all the subscribers were deleted. Now its work has been resumed.

The activist is charged under Article 342 of the CC (“Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them”).

Sample picture. Photo: AK / Belsat

Meanwhile, “Belarusian Culture Rada” reports that writer and journalist Sevyaryn Kvyatkouski has been detained. We are investigating the circumstances.

“Mayday Team” reports searches of members of Mahiliou Human Rights Center, the only regional human rights organization in Belarus registered by the authorities.

On 18 January, law enforcers in plainclothes came to the office of the MHRC board member Alyaksandr Pavlovich but did not seize anything.

On the morning of 19 January, they rushed to the house of Yauheniya Tsyurkina, an 82-year-old member of the control and coordination commission, where they confiscated the computer system unit.

On that day, another member of the MHRC Vasil Lipski was arrested at work. He was taken to an apartment, which was also searched, but nothing was seized.
