
Authorities liquidate Mahiliou Human Rights Center

Activists of Belarusian Social Democratic Party and Mahiliou Human Rights Center searched A party telegram channel was hijacked

2 years in jail: Mahiliou court delivers first sentence for web comments on killing KGB officer On January 10, Leninski district court completed hearing the case…

Police threaten activist to prosecute him for ‘treason’ over his applying for Poland’s humanitarian visa

‘Inciting hatred against police’: Two Mahiliou residents get 5 years in jail over posting ‘protest’ video

In photos: Biggest-ever Belarusian street protest took place year ago The very same day the year before, the post-election protests against the…

KGB searches home of chief editor and orders site shutdown Earlier, the editor-in-chief promised that the portal will not stop working

Closing down news site or facing criminal case: Mahiliou journalists placed in dilemma The officers of the Main Department for Combatting Organised crime and…

Elderly man from Mahiliou sent to compulsory treatment for insulting Lukashenka The trial was closed, the details of the accusation are unknown

Three Belarusian-speaking professors forced to quit jobs at Mahiliou university A political purge is underway at Mahiliou State University: Belarusian-speaking teachers…

Mahiliou: Two detained journos go on hunger strike Mahiliou-based journalists Alyaksandr Burakou and Uladzimir Laptsevich, who are currently being held in…

Political prisoner Iryna Shchasnaya to stand closed trial Iryna is in the Mahiliou detention center

Sevyarynets’ trial will be closed, even to relatives Pavel Sevyarynets has been behind bars since June 2020. Yauhen Afnahel, Pavel…

Mahiliou activist beaten by police and jailed Alyaksei was tried in absentia

Neither journalists nor politicians allowed at trial of bloggers in Mahiliou The trial over Brest blogger Syarhei Pyatrukhin started at Kastrychnitski district…