KGB searches home of chief editor and orders site shutdown

On 28 July, the chief editor of the regional Internet resource Barys Vyrvich was visited by KGB officers. The journalist was searched within the framework of a terrorism case. They took away all the equipment.

After the search, Vyrvich was taken to the inter-district KGB department in Shklou, where he was interrogated as a witness in a criminal case on terrorism. The operatives were interested in “extremist” telegraph chats and channels and the work of the the website and the activities of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

Barys Vyrvich was ordered to shut down the site completely within three days and promised to call again.

On 13 July, the editorial office of was searched. On the next day, the State Border Police Department interrogated the portal’s editor-in-chief, Zmitser Salauiou, who left the country after the interrogation. Salauiou told journalists then that wouldn’t shut down.

belsat. eu
